BUILD 2024/03/21


  • In NPV maximization projects, added constraint of maximum unexported energy (%). Unexported energy (%) defined as: (Exported_energy-Sold_energy)/Exported_energy*100.
  • In systems without load consumption, added the option to evaluate the performance of a new power generating system to be added to a previous existing PV system (LOAD/AC GRID->PURCHASE/SELL E->”-Ppv” checkbox). For example, if you have a grid-connected PV generator and you want to consider to add some wind turbines.
  • In systems without load consumption, added the option to evaluate the performance of a new power generating system to be added to a previous existing Wind turbines system (LOAD/AC GRID->PURCHASE/SELL E->”-Pwt” checkbox). For example, if you have a grid-connected wind farm and you want to consider to add a PV generator.
  • Added the option to compare with the system without generation, that is, a system where all the load is consumed from the AC grid (LOAD/AC GRID->PURCHASE/SELL E->”-Load cost” checkbox). The cost of supplying all the load by the AC grid (buy price + access price) will be subtracted from the NPC.
  • Added graphs for the visualization of the daily difference between maximum and minimum hourly prices (purchase / sell electricity prices).
  • Added Probability Density Function (PDF) graphs for the hourly purchase / sell electricity prices.
  • Added Probability Density Function (PDF) graphs for the main results of the simulation.
  • Improved calculation of lifeciycle CO2 emissions in multiperiod simulation.
  • Now all the simulation graphs can be copied to clipboard (right button click).
  • Improved vertical axis visualization in some graphs.
  • Fixed minor bugs.