BUILD 2024/03/13


  • Added a button to import load consumption tables (a button for each table consumption type: AC, DC, H2)
  • Improved visialization of the simulation and the graphs of renewable sources and load: added grid, scroll options…
  • Added an option to check for updates at the start without asking.
  • Improved speed when calculating projects with water pumping and in multiperiod projects.
  • In multiperiod optimization, if load increase is fixed, the first year load is not increased (it is the defined in the LOAD screen).
  • Changed the checkbox named “(sell price)” to “(comapre with sell price)”.
  • In the simulation graph added visualization of the battery auxiliary load.
  • Fixed bug for maximizing NPV projects, when CAPEX is 0 there was an infinite loop for calculating IRR.
  • Fixed bug when saving a project as the default project.
  • Fixed bug in some cases when using battery Schiffer model with backup generator.
  • Fixed bug in some cases in cycle charging strategy with SOC setpoint.
  • Fixed bug to run the fuel cell if electrolyzer standby power is higher than 0.
  • Fixed bug in optimization of temporary installations.
  • Fixed minor bugs.