NEW VERSION 4.0 AVAILABLE (build 2025/02/26)
iHOGA / MHOGA are two versions of the Hybrid Optimization by Genetic Algorithms (HOGA) software, developed in C++ by researchers of the University of Zaragoza (Spain) for the simulation and optimization of Electric Power Generation Systems based on Renewable Energies.
- iHOGA is for systems from few W up to 5 MW power.
- MHOGA is for MW power systems, without any limit. It was developed with the collaboration of Sisener Ingenieros (
The software can model systems with electrical energy consumption load (DC and/or AC) and/or Hydrogen, as well as consumption of water from tank or reservoir previously pumped.
It can include different components: photovoltaic generator (included bifacial and CPV), wind turbines, hydroelectric turbine (with or without pumped hydro storage), auxiliary generator (diesel, gasoline …), inverter or inverter-charger, batteries (lead-acid, Li-ion or other types), charger and batteries charge controller as well as components of hydrogen (electrolyzer, hydrogen tank and fuel cell).
iHOGA / MHOGA can simulate and optimize systems of low or high power. It can also simulate and optimize off-grid systems or systems connected to the AC grid, with or without their own load consumption, and can be defined different cases of Net Metering.
In systems with load consumption, the optimization is the minimization of the total net present cost of the system (NPC).
In power generation systems, the optimization can be the maximization of the total net present value of the system (NPV) or the minimization of the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), calculating also other variables which can be otpimized, such as the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH), the internal rate of return (IRR) or the payback period. MHOGA software can include the possibility of considering FCR (frequency containment reserve) service and the Capacity market incomes.
The software includes multi-period simulation and optimization (considering the degradation of the PV modules, wind turbines and batteries during the years, the increase of the load consumption during the years, etc), multi-objective optimization, simulation in time steps of up to 1 minute, sensitivity analysis, probability analysis, etc. It uses very detailed models of the components, including variable efficiency of the inverter/charger, pump, hydro turbine, fuel cell and electrolyzer, obtaining simulations and estimates of the operation of the system very precise. It includes control strategies, that can be optimized, for off-grid systems or for grid-connected systems (batteries energy management for the charge/discharge depending on the purchasing or selling electricity price of each hour).
iHOGA / MHOGA uses advanced models to accurately estimate the batteries lifetime, which are generally the most expensive components and that most replacements need. This implies that the estimation of the NPC or NPV is obtained in a much more realistic way than other software, being able to compare correctly between different combinations of components and control strategies and obtaining the real optimum.
iHOGA / MHOGA software includes advanced optimization models (genetic algorithms), which implies the possibility of obtaining the optimum system using very low computational times.
It works under Windows (XP or higher). It does not work on virtual machines or hypervisors.
The main researcher (Dr. Rodolfo Dufo López) published more than 50 papers related to software iHOGA / MHOGA in the most relevant scientific journals in the field of Energy (ORCID link:; SCOPUS link: