New version 3.2 published in April 2nd, 2022. News:
Added calculation of direct irradiance when downloading data from databases.
Added graph of direct irradiance.
Added possibility to consider Concentrating PV (CPV) modules or generators.
Corrected bugs when downloading NASA hourly data.
Corrected bugs of multi-objective optimization (when using unmet load as objective).
Corrected bug when calculating back surface irradiation if solar tracking (one or two axis) was selected.
Corrected minor bugs.
Downloading NASA data corrected, March 7th, 2022
NASA has changed the formta of the download files of irradiation, wind speed and temperature. The software has been adapted to these changes
Hourly irradiation downloading bugs corrected, January 24th, 2022
-Corrected bug when downloading the first time hourly irradiation from NASA, it didn’t update the latitude to calculate the irradiation over the tilted surface after downloading the hourly irradiation.
-Corrected bug when downloading Renewables Ninja irradation hourly data in the south hemisphere with tilted surface.
Simulation screen bugs corrected, January 10th, 2022
January 10th, 2022, corrected bugs: right axis of the main graph of the simulation screeen and hourly fuel consumption of the AC generator
Corrected bugs November 12th, 2021
November 12th, 2021, corrected bugs when downloading data form databases in computers that use comma as decimal separator.
New version 3.1
New version 3.1 published in November 2nd, 2021.
- Added the possibility to use bifacial PV modules.
- Improved reports
- Improved the visualization of the application, adapting to different screen sizes and DPI.
- Added visual themes.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Updated downloading NASA data procedure and fixed bugs (Sept. 6th 2021)
Modified the method to download NASA data as their database changed. Also added method to download hourly data from NASA. Fixed bugs
New version 3.0 (May 4th 2021)
New version 3.0 available, with many important new features:
- Added multiperiod simulation and optimization: iHOGA can consider the increase in load and the decrease of electricity production from the renewable sources during the years of the system lifetime, simulating the real performance of the system during all its lifetime (20-30 years usually) and calculating the real costs and incomes, obtaining the real net present cost (NPC) or net present value (NPV). It can also consider variable inflation in electricity price during the years and different irradiation and wind speed for each year.
- Added the optimization (maximization) of the net present value (NPV) for generating systems (grid-connected generators, with or without storage), calculating the internal rate of return (IRR). Also possibility to optimize minimizing the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in generating systems (sum of present costs, not incomes, during the lifetime, divided by total energy injected in the grid).
- Added the optimization of the contracted power in grid-connected systems and more options.
- Added the pumped hydro storage (reversible pump turbine or pump and turbine) with control strategies similar to the grid-connected batteries.
Modified the downloading of NASA and Renewable Ninja data (6 June 2020)
Modified the methods to download NASA data and Renewable Ninja data as their database changed
Added the effect of the shadows in the downloaded irradiation from PVGIS or from Renewable Ninja (5 March. 2020)
Before the effect of the shadows was not considered in the hourly irradiation downloaded from PVGIS or Renewable Ninja. Now it was added.