Build 2023/11/02

Changes in build 20231102:

  • In multi-period simulation, added the possibility to use different electricity sell (and buy) hourly prices for the different years (not just updating with inflation, but using different hourly files for the different years). Two options, import the different electricity hourly prices files for the different years, or generate them.
  • Added the possibility to optimize battery SOCmax (in Li-ion batteries).
  • Corrected problem to visualize worst month method results (in iHOGA low power projects) when opening.
  • Corrected error in some stand-alone projects with diesel always on (creating the grid refference)
  • Corrected error in iHOGA some cases when opening a project after another one is open.

Build 2023/09/03


  • Added option for LCOH minimization. Also maximization of capacity factor and minimization of LCOE, with weights. Also maximization of IRR.
  • Added control strategy for grid-connected electrolyzer: run at full load, buying electricity to the grid if necessary; at high electricity price electrolyzer power can be supplied by the battery.
  • Updated wind data downloading from Renewables Ninja.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

Build 2023/06/28


  • In the simulation of multi-period projects, now you can choose to see the electricity price of the year shown (by default now) or of the year 0 (as before).
  • In the Excel of the simulation, added specific units for each column and fixed bugs.
  • Added two more decimal places in the LCOE column of the results table in NPC minimization projects.
  • Corrected bugs in the visualization of the simulation of multi-period projects.
  • Corrected bug in the visualization of the value of Initial Investment in the report in NPC minimization projects.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

Build 2023/06/20

-Added the calculation of corporate taxes, considering EBIT, interest payment, linear depreciation and amortization.
-Added the possibility to define the inverter-charger power depending on the battery duration wanted, considering only the first inverter-charger of the list.
-In pumped-hydro-storage (PHS), added the possibility to define the water tank or reservoir capacity as the turbine maximum flow multiplied by the duration wanted.
-Added the possibilty to consider the water flow defined in the hydro resource as water inlet in the water tank or reservoir.
-Added more parameters for the electrolyzer electricity consumption and efficiency, with the possibility of obtaining efficiency curves more similar to the real ones.
-Added electrolyzer unavailability in PV systems during night time and in wind systems if there are several consecutive hours with calm wind. After the stop, when the electrolyzer starts again, a cold-start time is considered, and also an extra ageing (in minutes) due to each cold-start.
-Added the possibility to use a fixed value for the hydrogen tank capacity, which is the maximum (in systems where a hydrogen load must be met). In previous versions, the H2 tank capacity was determined at the end of the simulation of each combination, as the minimum necessary.
-Added the possibility to account for the replacement costs of the PV inverter (its own inverter in AC coupled systems), the PV inverter replacement costs will be added to the O&M costs of the PV generator.
-Added ratio rated apparent power / rated active power of the backup generator.
-Added the possibility to update the results table to the present data (simulating again each combination of the results table) when saving the project.
-Added zoom in the electricity price chart which is over the simulation chart (simulation screen)
-Corrected bugs in multi-period optimization of the limitation of the AC power of the PV due to its own inverter.
-Corrected bug when downloading hourly irradiation data from PVGIS, horzontal axis tracking.
-Corrected errors when opening project with sensitivity analysis.
-Corrected bugs with databases changing the currency.
-Corrected bug in optimization of arbitrage with 3 variables (before, in optimization the price limits were < and > and in simulation <= and >=, now both the same, < and >).
-Fixed minor bugs.

Build 2023/04/18

-Corrected bug in some cases in the calculation of electricity purchased to the AC grid in systems with DC renewable generation and AC load.
-Corrected bugs in systems with hydrogen load and grid-connected batteries management (energy arbitrage).
-Corrected bugs in systems with electricity load and grid-connected batteries management (energy arbitrage).
-Fixed minor bugs.

Build 2023/03/29

  • Added auxiliary load consumption for the batteries (cooling, heating, BMS..,) as a percentage of the maximum power (Pamx=Imax·Vnom) of the battery.
  • Added the possibility to set the maximum SOC for li-ion batteries.
  • Added water cost for the hydrogen generation (this cost will be increased during the years with general inflation).
  • Added value of purchase electricity price below which the storage/generator will have priority to supply the load (instead of the AC grid).
  • Corrected bugs related to systems with hydrogen load consumption.

Build 2023/01/22


  • Added the possibility to inject power to the AC grid from the fossil fuel generator (AC generator) in NPV maximizing systems (in generating systems which sell electricity to the grid).
  • Added C-rate for grid-connected battery charge / discharge.



  • Fixed minor bugs
  • Added minimum capacity of the water tank or reservoir to allow the use of the turbine in PHS systems.
  • The user can define if PV AC coupled inverter can limit the AC output power of the PV to the inverter rated power. If not limited, as in previous versions, we assume the inverter can be overcharged.
  • Capacity factor when PV is AC coupled uses AC output power of the inverter instead DC PV power.


  • Added possibility to use electricity sell price inflation instead of general inflation in calculation of LCOE in maximizing NPV projects.
  • Fixed minor bugs (bifacial PV, CPV, electrolyzer, fuel cell).


  • Fixed minor bugs.

Nueva versión 3.4.

El 22 de noviembre de 2022 se ha publicado la nueva versión 3.4, que incluye:

  • Añadida la posibilidad de considerar efecto estela en aerogeneradores.
  • Añadida la disponibilidad (horaria y mensual) para electrolizador y para pila de combustible.
  • Eficiencia variable añadida para la bomba de agua (para PHS y para suministro de agua).
  • Se puede elejir el límite de potencia para priorizar el uso del excedente de energía en la bomba o en las baterías
  • En el archivo Excel obtenido en simulación, añadidas las columnas de eficiencia de turbina, eficiencia de bomba y eficiencia de electrolizador (% de HHV).
  • Efectos visuales mejorados en gráficos, agregando checkbox para las diferentes series.
  • En la ventana de carga, el gráfico incluye la carga de agua (en energía bombeada) y muestra la energía diaria promedio total para cada mes.
  • En los proyectos de alta potencia de iHOGA y en MHOGA, se agregó la posibilidad de conectar el generador fotovoltaico y las turbinas eólicas al bus de CC.
  • Descarga extendida de datos por hora de irradiación/viento/temperatura de PVGIS para todo el mundo.
  • Se cambió la corriente máxima en las bases de datos de baterías de iones de litio a C/2.
  • Corregido problema con el modelo de ciclos completos equivalentes de las baterías de iones de litio al incluir el calendario de envejecimiento para casos de muy baja corriente de descarga.
  • Se corrigieron errores en algunos casos con el almacenamiento de PHS.
  • Se corrigieron errores al mostrar carga no satisfecha en la optimización multiobjetivo.
  • Se corrigieron errores menores.