New version 4.0. Build 2024/12/21


  • Added Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) service by means of batteries (only available in MHOGA).
  • Added Capacity Market incomes (only available in MHOGA).
  • Improved probability analysis, adding more results variables.
  • Fixed bugs in probability analysis in NPV minimizing systems.
  • Added more options for PHS to supply reserve capacity.
  • Improved calculation speed.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

Build 2024/11/07


  • Now minimum number of diesel generators in parallel can be 0.
  • Total tax for electricity sold now is used to reduce electricity incomes due to selling electricity to the grid (before it was considered to increase incomes). Projects created with previous versions, when opened, will have the sign of this data changed, so that the results are not modified.
  • In the report, added percentage of total load energy self-consumed.
  • LCOE now has 4 decimal positions.
  • Added LCOH and LCOS results in the Excel file of the costs.
  • In NPC optimization systems, added calculations of annual savings and IRR of the savings (comparing our system with the system to supply all the load only with AC grid) in the Excel file of the costs.
  • In NPV optimization systems, added calculations of IRR in the Excel file of the costs.
  • In NPC optimization systems, added the possibility to optimize by maximizing the IRR of the savings (comparing our system with the system to supply all the load only with AC grid).
  • Added the possibility of considering the loan in payback calcualtions (before it was not considered).
  • Added the possibility of considering the loan in IRR calcualtions (before it was not considered).
  • Improved calculation of the pump efficiency (if variable pump efficiency)
  • Fixed bug when in particular cases when using variable losses in hydraulic pipelines using Haaland equation for Colebrook approximation.
  • Fixed bug when considering minimum time of running the backup generator.
  • Fixed bugs in the calculation of payback period in the case of multiperiod.
  • Fixed bug when calculating E back-up charge (self-consumed energy) in grid-connected sytems with batteries.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

Build 2024/10/03


  • Fixed bug when calculating Export (excess) energy in some cases when charging batteries due to the grid limitation.
  • Added losses in wire and transformer in Energy purchased to the grid (if the user selects this option).
  • Subtracted losses in wire and transformer in Export energy and in Bach-up charge energy (if the user selects these options).

Build 2024/09/12


  • Added variable head for turbine and pump in PHS (considering variable height of the reservoirs).
  • Added variable losses in penstock (turbine and/or pump)
  • Added optimization of minimum power (%) of the turbine to be used primarily to supply the load.
  • Added the possibility to consider the water tank or reservoir CAPEX (capacity x specific cost), in PHS systems.
  • Added optimization of the water tank or upper reservoir in PHS.
  • Added cost due to the starts of hydro turbine and of pump.
  • Added variable O&M for turbine and for pump.
  • Added the possibility to calculate the water tank or reservoir capacity as the maximum obtained in the simulation, with specific limits (in PHS systems).

Build 2024/06/26


  • Fixed bug of not remaining the changes in max. and min. electricity prices for the optimization of strategy of grid-connected batteries (arbitrage, CONTROL STRATEGIES TAB). Now if you change these min. and max. values, the changes will remain.
  • Fixed bug when simulating systems with energy arbitrage and hydrogen load.
  • Fixed minor bugs.